School Information
GHS is a full-service high school serving the families of Grant, Michigan, in Newaygo County. We are deeply focused on 21st century academics and offer a wide selection of curricular options for students, including advanced placement courses, dual/college credit courses, band, choir, theatre arts, career and technical education courses, and world languages.
To review specific course options and dual-credit opportunities, please speak to your guidance counselor.
One-To-One School
Grant High School is a 1-1 technology school. We issue iPads to all students for educational and homework use both in and out of the classroom. We expect students to use these iPads and our network responsibly. For more information, please review our district Technology page.
At Grant High School, we believe that academics are the foundation of the high school experience, and we strive to provide an excellent educational experience for every student in our care.
In addition to our regular curriculum, students receive unique learning opportunities through foreign language instruction, clubs, fine arts, and our partnership with Newaygo County RESA.
Daily Schedule
Fast Facts
School: Grant High School
District: Grant Public Schools
Serving: Grades 9–12
Population: 570
Colors: Orange and Black
Mascot: Tigers

State Standards
Learn more about Grant’s educational standards and assessments.
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